
New partnership with Women in Electronics

We are proud to announce a new partnership with Women in Electronics (WE), an organization aimed at increasing opportunities for women in the electronics industry!

We are proud to announce a new partnership with Women in Electronics (WE), a community of progressive women leaders at all stages of their careers dedicated to expanding the opportunities for women in the fast-paced electronics industry.

Women in Electronics gathered and analyzed vetted data and studies regarding gender parity and have concluded that there are about 19% of women in entry and mid-level roles in the tech industry. At the senior level, women hold only 16% of these positions. As you go higher, this number drops even lower, with women holding just 10% of executive-level positions.

We are excited to be joining WE’s mission to empower, develop and advocate for women in the electronics industry. As a Silver Level sponsor, we will be able to support women across the industry and within our organization via access to conferences and events, spotlights of their work, talent development, and more.  

“We know that diverse teams make better decisions, and this was an easy decision to be a sponsor of Women in Electronics,” said Jens Gamperl, Founder and CEO of Sourceability. “I am excited to see how we can continue to grow women in leader positions at our company and across the electronic component space.”  

Starting in Q1 2020, Sourceability North America has increased its female employee base by 13%. We are committed to hiring more female talent within our organization with an emphasis on senior talent and leadership. Within 2 years we would like our female employee base to represent at least 50% of our colleagues in North America.  

We can achieve this by increasing our female headcount by 17% over the next two years. That will require us to fill 43% of our open and forecasted job requisitions with female talent each year. This will add roughly 20 new female colleagues each year for the next two years. Sourceability can achieve this goal by focusing on several recruiting and retention strategies which include the following:

  • Job Description gender bias analysis for each new job posting
  • Hiring manager interview and evaluation bias training
  • Hiring manager commitment to hiring diverse talent with an emphasis on female representation
  • Increasing female peer and leadership representation on interview panels
  • Establishing clear growth paths for existing talent
  • Continuing to utilize frequent employee engagement surveys
  • Committing to fair and equitable pay bands for incoming and existing female talent.

At Sourceability, we talk about delivering the best results for our customers and transforming the electronic sourcing game. Research has found that diverse and inclusive teams make better decisions by up to 87%, in less time, and deliver 60% better results. Investing in organizations like WE sets us up to foster more inclusive, women-led teams and continue to grow our business.

We cannot wait to see what we can accomplish with WE.

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